2017 Mini-Major

January 26, 2018

Mini Major

The 2017 Mini Major took place November 3rd-5th 2017 at Milestone MX Park in Riverside, California. This event is the only one of its kind focused solely on the young racers of the sport that ranges from the smallest 50cc rippers to the fastest SuperMini riders in the country.

IRC commanded a large space on Vendor row complete with a 30 foot trailer, custom IRC wrapped motorcycle, tire displays, flags, tents and course fencing. There was a lounge area with a BBQ. Hot dogs were sold to raise money for an injured athlete. IRC had branded sun glasses and a photo backdrop area as well as a mechanic to install tires. It was a great event and we cannot wait until next year!

IRC offers 4 kids tires - the Kids Motocross IX-KIDS, The Kids Motocross GS-45F, the Kid’s Motocross GS-45Z1 and the Kid’s Motocross MOA. A new tire, the Zenkai, will debut at the 2018 Mini Major Event.

Transworld Motocross Mini Major
IRC booth
Kid’s Activation